Energy Psychotherapy

Energy Work


There are many different methods I may use to assist you with the issues you hope to address; goal setting, problem solving, stress reduction techniques, and more.  In addition to more traditional psycho-therapeutic methods, I utilize an approach known as energy psychotherapy.

To see if energy psychotherapy is right for you, contact me for a consultation.

Continuing reading to learn more about Energy Psychotherapy below:



Energy Psychotherapy is based on the premise that by affecting electromagnetic and more subtle energies there can be a shift in emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

These energy centers are on the surface of the skin throughout the body and can be stimulated for the purpose of correcting disturbed energy patterns that might underlie emotional and psychological problems.


Stimulation may include holding or tapping these centers. You will be instructed on how to hold or stimulate the appropriate centers yourself.

There are a variety of methods that appear to have an impact on subtle energies. The most common method, meridian tapping (or holding) is based on the ancient principles of acupuncture. It is a simple procedure that gently balances the energies without the discomfort of needles.  For example, you would bring to mind a personal response or pattern you would like to change and then tap or hold the energy centers.

This is believed to shift the brain’s chemistry in ways that support that change. You would recall a troublesome thought or feeling and be taught which traditional acupuncture points on your body to stimulate through tapping, or holding. The stimulation of such points, sometimes referred to as acupressure, has been observed to reduce psychological symptoms.


Another method targets the energy centers of your body called chakras, which are considered to hold emotional memories. To affect these energies, you might place your hand over the chakra centers. The theory behind chakra clearing is that the electromagnetic charge of your hand is interacting with and balancing the electromagnetic fields of your body.

There are numerous other methods which can all balance the flow of energies.



The relevance and interactive effect among all the above aspects has been researched from the Western scientific perspective, except for the role of subtle energy.  You may have heard of subtle energy through such terms as life force, chi, meridians, chakras, biofields, or auras.  These energies are called “subtle” because they are not easily detectable and scientists have not been able to definitively develop instruments to reliably measure them.

Yet new research is being conducted on this front. Many people for centuries and across cultures have described seeing or feeling subtle energies to varying degrees. Measurable energies are the fabric of our existence.  Electrical, chemical, and nuclear energies are some of the more common forms of measurable energy with which we are familiar.


For example, doctors measure electromagnetic fields or energies of the body through EKGs, EEGs, and MRIs.These measurable energies are clearly an important part of our everyday health and well-being. Physicists have been dramatically changing our understanding of energy.

For example, Einstein proposed that all mass is comprised of energy.  That is, all “solid” objects, including our bodies, are comprised of molecules in constant motion that can be influenced by outside forces.  Despite the advancement of physics, we still don’t understand certain ever-present fields of energy, such as gravity.  Much remains to be learned about the energetic functioning of our world and universe.

Subtle energy is one of those forms of energy still being explored.  It can be considered part of the ever-present energy from which all matter is derived, in the sense of Einstein’s E=mc2, i.e., matter is a form of energy.  Some scientists believe our physical bodies emerge from a field of subtle energies.  In many healing traditions, the “life force” that distinguishes life from death is understood as involving the presence of subtle energies. Energy Psychotherapy suggests that by promoting balance and flow in these fields of subtle energy, the health of the mind/body is enhanced.


Despite not fully understanding the nature of subtle energy, there are numerous methods designed to influence these energy systems such as acupuncture, yoga, acupressure, Reiki, and tai chi, to name just a few.  Many Asian cultures have studied these energies and methods for centuries and have successfully applied them to both physical and emotional health (e.g., Deadman, 1998).

Subtle energy is being taken more seriously in this country. Many hospitals in the United States now include methods (e.g., Reiki and acupuncture) to help with the healing of a variety of conditions.  Further investigation is being conducted by the U.S. National Institute of Health through a center of research called The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

There is limited published research in established scientific journals investigating these methods. Yet new research is being done even as I write this. One professional paper that reviews this research and speculates on why the method appears to work can be downloaded free from The Review of General Psychology. To access all the current research on these topics visit the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology at


In summary, there are promising reports from psychotherapists about the effectiveness of Energy Psychotherapy. Although the Energy Methods appear to have encouraging benefits, they have yet to be fully researched by the Western academic, medical, and psychological communities, and therefore, are considered experimental, complementary and alternative.

Research is continuously being done and energy psychotherapy can now be considered “ evidence supported”. There are over 50 research studies showing significant experimental and clinical support for EFT ( Emotional Freedom Techniques ) and other energy psychology modalities. Because of these studies energy psychology meets the criteria to be designated as evidence based treatment. For details please go to